Selasa, 15 November 2011

Standar Pengujian Rayap JIS K 1571 2004-Termite

Test methods for determining the effectiveness of wood preservatives and their performance requirements

4.2        Termite proofing performance test
4.2.1            Indoor test  Injection treatment use        Material
a)      Wood piece The wood piece shall e as follows:
1)      The wood piece shall be a normal and sound crytomeria sapwood, and shall be taken from the same wood in air dried state.
2)      The wood piece shall have straight grain in two ways, and be finished smoothly and accurately by planning.
3)      The number of annual rings of wood piece shall be 3 to 5 per 10 mm, and the density, when dried , shall be within the range between 0.25 g/cm3 and 0.32 g/cm3 .
4)      The shape of wood piece shall be 20 mm x 20 mm at the end surface of lumber and 10 mm in height. The dimensional tolerance of end surface of lumber and height shall be ± 0,5 mm.
5)      Dry the wood piece in a circulating type dryer at 60 °C ± 2°C in temperature for 48 h, place it in a desiccator for approximately 30 min as it is. then weigh the mass to the nearest 0.01 g and store it in a desiccator so as not to be humidified.
b)     Test vermin The test vermin shall be Coptotermes (9)
Note(9): The Coptotermes, distributed in the west and south of the Bobsoh Peninsula to damage buildings. The scientific term is Coptotermes formosanus SHIRAKI, and regardless of the place to be taken.

c)      Breeding container the breeding container shall be prepared so that the dental stone specified in JIS T 6605 of approximately 5 mm in thickness is hardened in a part of an acrylic resin cylinder of 80 mm in diameter and 60 mm in height. This is placed in a container with a lid in which the moistured cotton added with 130 ml to 150 ml of water to the absorbent cotton 100 g of Japan Pharmacopoeia is previously spread all over by approximately 10 mm in thickness. A small hole has been opened in the lid for ventilating.                                Specimen The specimen shall be separated into two classes such as a treated specimen and a non-treated specimen, and shall be follows, respectively:

a)      Treated specimen The treated specimen shall be as follows:
1)      Put the wood piece placed in a beaker in a vacuum desiccator and others, depressurize it, recover to the normal pressure as absorbing the sample, and leave it for a while as it is. Then, take out the wood piece from the sample, wipe it lightly and immediately weigh the mass to the nearest 0.01 g.
2)      Calculate the sample absorption rate of wood piece according to formula (10), and round off the first decimal place to make an integer.

                    m20 –m19
         A3 =                   x 100……………………………..(10)
       Where,  A3 : sample absorption rate (%)
                     m19 : mass of wood piece in a) 5) (g)
                     m20 : mass of the treated specimen in a) 1) (g)

3)      Select to take the specified number of treated  samples of (250 ± 10) % in sample absorption rate of wood piece for water soluble or emulsified sample or (200 ± 10) % in sample absorption rate for oil based or oil soluble sample, and leave it at a room temperature for 20 days or longer.

b)     Non-treated specimen The non-treated specimen shall be the wood piece specified in a) and used for the judgement of the activity of test vermin in vermin damage operation.

c)      Number of specimens The number of specimens shall be 5 in repetition number for both treated specimen and non-treated specimen.                                Test After the weathering operation is carried out the vermin damage operation shall be carried out.

a)      Weathering operation Five pieces of each specimen shall be taken as one set, and the others shall be in accordance with a)

b)     Specimen with weathering operation finished Dry the specimen with weathering operation finished in a circulating type dryer at 60 °C ± 2 °C for 48 h. Leave it in a desiccator for approximately 30 min as it is, and weigh the mass to the nearest 0.01 g

c)      Vermin damage operation The vermin damage operation shall be as follows:
1)      Put the plastics net of the approximately 1 mm in thickness on the dental stone in a breeding container specified in c) and put one piece of specimen on it so that the end surfaces of lumber become upward and downward.
2)      Take the termite specified in b) from the nest at random, and throw 150 worker termites and 15 soldier termites into one breeding container.
3)      Place the breeding container gently in a dark place at 28 °C ± 2 °C in temperature for 21 days. Remove the dead termite during test period quickly from the container.

d)     Specimen with vermin damage operation finished After finishing of vermin damage operation, take out the specimen from the breeding container, remove the adhered matter on the surface of specimen sufficiently, dry it in air for approximately 24 h, then dry it in a circulating type drier at 60 °C ± 2 °C in temperature for 48 h, leave it in a desiccator for approximately 30 min as it is, and weigh the mass to the nearest 0.01 g.        Calculation The calculation shall be as follows:
a) Mass decrease rate  The mass decrease rate of each specimen shall be calculated according to formula (11), and the mean value shall be obtained, and made to an integer by rounding off the first decimal place.

                    m21 – m22
           L4 =                  x 100………………………………..(11)

                 Where, L4   = mass decrease rate (%)
                             m21   = mass of the specimen in b) (g)
                             m22   = mass of the specimen in d) (g)

b)     Vermin mortality rate The vermin mortality rate of worker termite shall be calculated according to formula (12), the mean value shall be obtained and made to an integer by rounding off the first decimal place.

               M1 =                  x 100 ……………………………….(12)

                        Where, M1 : vermin mortality rate (%)
                                     D1 : total mortality number of worker termites in c)  Effectiveness of test When the average mass decrease rate of the non-treatment specimen tested as the same time of the treated specimen in is under 15%, the test shall be carried out again.

6.      Performance requirements The performance of wood preservatives shall be obtained according to the test methods in clause 4 and the record of test results in clause 5 and be confirmed to the performance requirements as shown in table 14.

Table 14 Performance requirements for wood preservatives

Classification of performance and test methods
Performance ….
Performance requirement
Antiseptic performance
Indoor test
Injection treatment use
Mass decrease rate (%)
3 max
Termite proofing performance
Indoor test
Ijection treatment use
Mass decrease rate (%)
3 max

Note (23): When the treated specimen indicating 50 or more in vermin damage degree
              exists, it shall not be regarded as to satisfy the performance requirements.

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